Spiritual Blindness Caused by Sin

Most of us grew up with the understanding that sin was a violation of a commandment, a church rule, or something Jesus said in scripture. As a result, it needed to be confessed and forgiveness received by us in order to continue to grow in the spiritual life.

While this is true, it ignores the reality of intent and seriousness of the sin. But, more importantly, if ignores the fact that sin blinds us to seeing the other good thing we may have done. As such, we often feel bad about ourselves and unworthy, even though we may have done many other good things.

That same blindness prevents us from seeing the actions of the hand of God that would otherwise uplift our spirits and give us hope of His love for us. It can even prevent us from seeing the loving actions of others toward us.

Sin is detrimental to our growth, and we need to double down on receiving forgiveness so we can again enter an appreciation of God’s love as well as the love of others. Since sin blinds us, we may be unaware of its action in our life. Therefore, it is worth adding the practice of a daily five minute review to look for it, lest we continue in our blindness for an indefinite period of time.

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